Translation Conferences 2017
Translation Conferences are great opportunities to learn, to network and to have fun. Furthermore they offer a chance to visit another country and to get to know different cultures and industry professionals. Although translation conferences can be exhausting, they are in the end very rewarding as you learn new perspectives, techniques and colleagues.
After the highly successful 2016 overview I herewith present the translation conferences 2017 overview, ordered by month.
Just check the different tiles and hover over them with your mouse for more information. Click at the ‘Visit website’ button on the backside of a tile to learn more about a particular translation conference in 2017.
Unfortunately many translation conferences for 2017 are not set yet due to organizing or funding purposes.
Do you feel you miss translation conferences for 2017?
Just drop your comments below and I will add the conference in 2017 to this overview.
Translation Conferences January 2017
2017 UNConference
26-28 January 2017
Sonoma, USA
2017 UNConference
Fairmont Sonoma Mission Inn & Spa
100 Boyes Boulevard
Sonoma, CA 95476
Translation Conferences February 2017
Words to Deeds Conference 2017
4 February, 2017
London, UK
Words to Deeds Conference 2017
Honourable Society of Gray’s Inn
8 South Square
United Kingdom
ITA 2017
13-15 February, 2017
Tel Aviv, Israel
Feb 28 - Mar 2, 2017
Shenzhen, China
AIIC Seminar
5-4 February 2017
Moscow, Russia
23-24 February 2017
tcworld India 2017
23–24 February 2017
Bangalore, India
Translation Conferences March 2017
14-15 March 2017
Sydney, Australia
Rydges Sydney Central
28 Albion Street
Surry Hills, NSW, 2010
Sydney, Australia
GALA 2017 Annual Conference
26-29 March 2017
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
24-26 March 2017
Overland Park, USA
TLC 2017
24-25 March 2017
Warsaw, Poland
8th Annual Conference
27-27 March 2017
Translation Conferences April 2017
CATI Conference
8 April 2017
Winston-Salem, USA
17th CATI Conference
Wake Forest University
Benson University Center
Winston-Salem, NC
20-21 April 2017
Berlin, Germany
22-23 April, 2017
Buenos Aires, Argentina
2017 CTA Conference
28-30 April, 2017
Boulder, USA
IJET-28 Columbus
8-9 April 2017
Columbus, Ohio, USA
Congrès Mondial de Traductologie
10-14 April 2017
Nanterre, France
17th International ELT Conference
20-21 April, 2017
Muscat, Oman
“Multidimensional Translation: From Science to Arts”
20-22 April, 2017
Riga, Latvia
“Multidimensional Translation: From Science to Arts”
Baltic International Academy
Riga, Latvia
Translation Conferences May 2017
4-6 May 2017
Budapest, Hungary
Annual NETA Conference
6 May 2017
Boston, USA
ITI Conference
18-20 May 2017
Cardiff, UK
Translation Forum Russia 2017
26-28 May 2017
ALC Annual Conference
17-20 May 2017
Miami, USA
Wordfast Forward
11-14 May 2017
Varna, Bulgaria
5. ADÜ-Nord-Tage 2017
19-21 May 2017
Hamburg, Germany
25-27 May 2017
Sao Paolo, Brazil
ND Focus
May 2017
Translation Conferences June 2017
IMIA Conference
2-4 June 2017
memoQfest International
7-9 June 2017
14-16 June 2017
Barcelona, Spain
Palau de Congressos de Catalunya Barcelona
Av. Diagonal, 661-671
08028 Barcelona
NZSTI Annual Conference 2017
10-11 June 2017
New Zealand
21st Conference on Language
28-30 June 2017
Borgen, Norway
Nationaal Vertaalcongres
2 June 2017
Amersfoort, The Netherlands
Translation Conferences July 2017
8th Asian Translation Traditions Conference
5-7 July 2017
8th Asian Translation Traditions Conference
Russell Square Campus at SOAS
University of London
Translation Conferences August 2017
FIT Congress 2017
3-5 August 2017
Translated in Argentina
11-13 August 2017
Cordoba, Argentina
5-6 August 2017
Sao Paolo, Brazil
18th Annual NATI Conference
3-5 August 2017
Bellevue, NE, USA
Translation Conferences September 2017
Languas 2017
28-30 September 2017
Mexico City, Mexico
2nd International Summer School
4-8 September 2017
Leuven, Belgium
2nd International Summer School
KU Leuven
Faculty of Arts
Campus Sint-Andries, Antwerp
7-8 September 2017
Copenhagen, Denmark
22-23 September 2017
Cordóba, Argentina
15-16 September 2017
Lodz, Poland
Intermedia 2017
25-26 September 2017
Poznań, PolandTranslation Conferences October 2017
tcworld conference 2017
24-26 October 2017
Stuttgart, Germany
ND Bucharest
12-13 October 2017
Bucharest, Romania
Translating Europe Forum
October 2017
Brussels, Belgium
5-8 October 2017
Minneapolis, USA
25-28 October 2017
Washington D.C. USA
5-27 October 2017
Granada, Spain
Translation Conferences November 2017
Translating and the Computer
16-17 November 2017
London, United Kingdom
1-3 November 2017
Santa Clara
California, USA
ART 2017
18 November 2017
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
NTIF 2017
22-24 November 2017
Helsinki, Finland
Translation Conferences December 2017
Other links for ‘Translation Conferences 2017’
The translation conferences above are not the only translation conferences to be held in 2017. Other websites offer great overviews as well. However, they also include scientific translation conferences and other events for researchers, writers and other professionals.
This translation conference 2017 overview only offers conferences that are most useful for freelance translators and translation agencies alike.
If you would dive somewhat deeper into translation science, you might find the below websites useful:
Tim Gregory
Great list! You seem to have missed the American Literary Translators Association conference:
ALTA40 (Thurs. October 5 – Sun. October 8, 2017): Minneapolis, MN
Pieter Beens
Thanks Tim! It’s added now!
ana cabral
Thank you for this great overview, Pieter! Allow me to add the 21st Conference on Language for Specific Purposes 2017, that will take place in June in Bergen, Norway.
Pieter Beens
Thanks Ana! I’ve just added it!
Marcia Nabrzecki
Hi, Peter! Great list, thank you! Here is another conference to add: the 8th International Abrates Conference will be held from May 25 to 27 in Sao Paulo, Brazil, location to be defined (ABRATES is the Brazilian Association of Translators and Interpreters).
Pieter Beens
Thanks for adding this one Marcia!
I removed it from my initial list because the website didn’t work properly, so there is no information to be found yet.
It’s on the list, pointing to the general ABRATES website now.
Nancy Matis
Great list – thank you very much for this!!
Sean M. Normansell
Hello- please list the International Medical Interpreter Association Annual conference
Houston Texas June 2–4
Thank you
Pieter Beens
Added now Sean. Thanks!
Another interesting conference in 2017:
ADÜ Nord, the Hamburg-based North German association of translators and interpreters, will mark its 20th anniversary by organizing their fifth conference (5. ADÜ-Nord-Tage 2017) on 19 to 21 May 2017 at the “nh hotel” in the hanseatic city of Hamburg, Germany´s gate to the world.
“Interpreters and translators on a level playing field with industry, commerce and public institutions”
This is the motto of the ADÜ Nord conference that will be held in German and will feature a total of 7 plant tours and guided tours, 10 workshops, 14 papers and one plenary session over the course of three days.
Professionality, marketing, data protection, organizing your work, and many more subjects will cover diverse areas of interest. Both the novice and the old hand will be able to gain and exchange hands-on advice for their work and help them stay at the cutting edge of developments in the translation world.
Apart from the coffee breaks in between the different events, a networking café open all day and, for the first time, a market place with a jobs exchange let you meet colleagues and also reps from various companies.
A buffet and dance music in the time-honoured hall of the Hamburg Chamber of Crafts will be the highlight of the ADÜ Nord anniversary celebrations on Saturday evening.
Registration for the conference is open on the ADÜ website at http://www.adue-nord.de/5-adue-nord-tage/ If you register before 15 February 2017, an attractive early bird discount will apply!
Pieter Beens
Thanks Georgia! I’ve added it to the list.
Thank you, Pieter. But the date of the conference is 19-21 may, not as indicated 21-29 may. Could you please modify. Have a nice day.
Pieter Beens
Hi Georgia, that was a strange error. Thanks for pointing at it. It’s solved now!
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Hello Pieter, and thank you so much for the great list.
Just wanted to let you know that the next edition of Know Your Worth: Marketing and Negotiating for Interpreters seminar by Julia Poger (AIIC, ATA) will be taking place in Moscow, on 4-5 February 2017.
Would appreciate it if you could possibly include it in the list.
It is a two-day seminar aimed at any interpreter who wishes to improve relationships with clients and prospects, gain more respect, negotiate higher fees, and find out more about the European and US markets. Concepts such as branding, selling, client relationships, pricing, negotiating tips, and “coopetition” will also be discussed, all illustrated with real-life examples.
Here’s a link to our website: https://kyw-seminar.com/
And here’s a link to our event page on the AIIC website: http://aiic.net/events/390/know-your-worth-understanding-marketing-and-negotiating-for-interpreters-04-feb-2017
Many thank in advance!
Anne-Marie Colliander Lind
Hi, we will confirm the exact dates (in November) and local for #NTIF2017 shortly, stand by for an update shortly
Francisco Pérez
Hi Pieter,
Thanks for your great list. I just wanted to suggest the VII Conference on Dubbing and Subtitling that we are organising at the University of Alicante (Spain), in case you would like to add this information. March 1-3, 2017.
Julieta Olivero
Excellent list!
There is another one in Argentina on September. Check it out: http://encuentrodetraduccion.com/
The venue of ABRATES is already known. It shall be at the Rebouças Conference Centre in São Paulo.
You have forgotten TRADUSA, a Brazilian event specifically for translators in the medical area. Venue and date to be supplied.
Lorena Vicente
HI! Can you please update the IAPTI conference location? Thanks! Claridge Hotel Buenos Aires
Fabio Descalzi
Hi Pieter, great to know about your site, full of useful information (thanks to Dmitry and his Open Mic, where I read your article).
Regarding the conference of IAPTI, the venue is already confirmed:
Claridge Hotel
Tucumán 535
Buenos Aires
Web: http://www.claridge.com.ar/
The conference organization is offering special prices for attendants.
I’ll be there, of course (and: lecturing).
Martin Wunderlich
Hi Pieter,
Thanks for compiling this very useful list. Could you also add the German localization un-conference? It is taking place in Berlin from June 22nd to 24th. Here is the URL: https://sites.google.com/site/localizationunconference/
Thanks a lot!
Nenad Andricsek
This is very cool, I wish a list like this existed couple of years ago when I wanted to go to much more conferences.
Btw. are any of you guys also using these conferences as an excuse to see the world? 🙂
Some of my conference trips were totally biased by the place they were held on 🙂
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