Introduction for the Translation and Localization Conference
On March 27 and 28 the Translation and Localization Conference is organized in Warsaw. This conference will be hosted for the fourth time and is themed “Experts at Work”. I feel honored to be invited for a presentation about the quality of translations. On Friday March 27 I will speak about the changing perception on quality.
Click on “Read more” to see my introductory video.
Quality is an important “thing” in the world of translation and localization. Agencies and freelance translators implement measures to ensure a consistent high outcome. However, the perception of what quality is is changing. More and more spelling and grammar rules are no longer obeyed to while industry professionals also redefine the meaning of quality. That requires reconsideration in order to guarantee that translations in the future still can be compared to some standard. Delivering quality is only possible when we know what quality is and how it should be measured.
In my presentation I focus on trends in the perception of quality and on implications of this trends. What should we do and will we ever stick to the rules we once learned? If not: will we redefine new rules? Who should do that? And what will that mean for linguistic professionals?
I really hope to meet you in Warsaw. Feel free to share your thoughts on this interesting and important topic below and let me know whether you will visit the conference as well!
Watch the introductory video
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