Introducing Academy
Those who read my blog often, already know: I am currently developing translation courses online. Those who know me thoroughly know how I am dedicated to learn and to share my knowledge. That’s why I initially went up to teacher training and that’s why I write articles on a regular basis too. Now I am going a bit further – not too ambitious – introducing Academy, a light-hearted approach to share my knowledge of the translation industry with other translators.
As you can see the logo above is an edited version of my company logo. The pencil in the yellow dot has been replaced by a student, winking. That’s exactly how you should perceive this: Academy is not a heavy-loaded initiative to courses and trainings but something I do along my work as a translator. There’s so much to share and developments go that fast that many translators cannot follow that pace. By offering courses and trainings and sharing best practices I try to help them (you) to develop further and to stay ahead the competition.
The first course, about app localization, is to be published soon at And there are more to follow: about quality, FLIM and much more.
So stay tuned and follow me at Twitter and LinkedIn for more information.
And wait, feel free to visit (to be filled soon) often to check for new courses.