Home / Translation practice  / Five reasons to buy MemoQ 2015
  • Willem Wunderink

    I was a very enthousiastic user of MemoQ too, but lately there are some stupid issues that are not handled well or not handled at all by MemoQ service.

    One huge problem they refuse to repair: a full match of a term is ignored, if more recently a part of the term is translated otherwise.
    Example (ENG=>DUT):
    hate = haat
    hat = hoed
    If both terms are in the term base but ‘hat’ has been translated in the current or later project, than it will translate hate = hoed (hat).
    Any school kid can recognize the lack of logic here and can imagine that the standard result will be wrong.
    But the product manager will not change the logic.
    Completely illogical, plain stupid!
    The business rule should clearly be here, that if two IDENTICAL source terms are translated into two different target terms, the latter used should be selected.

    10 February, 2016 at 15.38 Reply
    • Gonzalo Fernandez - Kilgray

      Hi Willem,

      Have you reported this to our Support department? If so, could you please let me know your ticket ID. I will follow up on this!

      I hope we can bring the enthusiasm back on you!


      Gonzalo Fernandez
      Kilgray Translation Technologies

      11 March, 2016 at 10.08 Reply
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