Export Idiom TM with Xbench
In my previous blog post (‘Export Idiom TM’) I wrote about a way to export an Idiom Desktop Workbench TM to a TMX file. Honestly, that process with 7 steps was not very straightforward and perhaps too difficult for some translators. I want to stress that it nevertheless works as a charm, not only for Idiom TMs but for other ‘TMs’ or source/target files as well. I experienced it last week for a text file with 67,500 segments (137,000 rows in Excel!).
However, I was pointed to a much easier process to export Idiom TMs which I want to share with you as well. After reading this blog post you can export Idiom TM within a few minutes.
To export Idiom TMs with XBench, you first need to download and install ApSICs Xbench. This software is used by translators to ensure a consistent and qualitative translation.
The software has been free and unsupported but currently you can buy a supported version as well. The free version is still available for download here.
After installing the software you should open it to perform the steps below to export your Idiom TM.
Export Idiom TM with Xbench: steps to perform
Perform the following steps to export Idiom TM with Xbench:
- Open Xbench and go to Project > New.
The window ‘Project properties’ will be opened. - In the window ‘Project properties’ press the ‘Add…’ button.
You will now see the window ‘Add Files to Project’ with many options. - In the window ‘Add Files to Project’ select ‘Deja Vu X/Idiom Memory’ in the second column.
- Press ‘Next’.
You will now see the window ‘Add Glossary’. - In the window ‘Add Glossary’ browse to the location of your Idiom TMs, select them and hit ‘Open’.
You will now see the selected file(s) added to the window. - Hit ‘Next’ and ‘OK’.
All overlaying windows will be closed and you will see the TM added to the window ‘Project Properties’. - Hit ‘OK’.
You will see a window that shows that Xbench is importing the content.
This window will be closed when Xbench is ready. - Now in the menu go to Tools > Export or hit ‘Ctrl + R’.
The window ‘Export Items’ will be opened. - Select the options, filtering and output format (TMX for the major CAT tools or tab delimited file).
Don’t forget to select the source and target language as well.
Make sure you select the right language when exporting multiple TMs because some CAT tools don’t allow importing multiple source and target languages.
Next, select a File name to export the file and press ‘OK’. - Xbench will now export the TM content.
After the ‘Export Idiom TM’ process is finished you will see ‘All selected items exported succesfully’ in the status bar in the bottom of your screen.
That’s all! 10 easy staps to export Idiom TM to a tmx for use in MemoQ, Trados and other compatible CAT tools.
One thing though…
Where is the exported file saved to? There are no options to select a path.
Pieter Beens
Hi Lori,
Thank you for your question.
If you go to Step 8 and press Ctrl + R, you will see the window “Export Items”. In the “Output” section you can click on the “…” button after the field “File Name”. When you click on this button, a browsing window is opened. Select the directory where you want to add the TMX file and type a name for the file.
The TMX file will then be exported with the name you gave to the directory you selected.
Hope this helps!
Thank you very much, Pieter!
Tung Nguyen
Thanks a lot, Pieter! You are great!
Oleg Vigodsky
Hi Pieter. Thank you for your procedure.
Is it possible to import a TMX-file to Idiom WorldServer DEsktop Workbench?
Thank you in advance.