My name is Pieter Beens. I am a freelance translator and provide texts, publications and translations for a wide range of clients in various branches. I work for the best and largest organizations worldwide and deliver quality. Speed, delivery reliability and linguistic quality are important to me.

As you can see, I have a wide range of interests and extensive knowledge on many topics. The result: above average texts and translations with the right tone and the right terminology.

My workflow for translation is dedicated to deliver translations according the EN 15038:2006 standard for translators and translation agencies.

Address: Nachtegaalweg 69
The Netherlands
Phone: +31 (0)6 17 006 006
Email: info[at]vertaalt.nu
Website: www.vertaalt.nu

Literary translations , , Book translations

Dutch literary translator - Pieter Beens

Best translation I have seen lately!

This was a pleasure to proofread. Translator shows great knowledge over the subject matter. Best translation I have seen lately!

Colleague Editor


It’s amazing how the translation is done. Not one single fault. Well done. Great work.

End client Manager

Very satisfied

My product manager and me are very satisfied about the quality of the translation.

End client Manager
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